
Get the latest news, events, class info, special deals, and hear Jami on ChannelMom radio program. I might also mention there’s a whole lot of free resources waiting for you to discover! Don’t miss anything. Sign up now!

Let’s talk about speaking!

Perhaps you are looking for a speaker for your event, program, radio show, or podcast. Jami would be more than happy to assist. She speaks on many mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, domestic violence, raising children with mental health issues, ADHD, mood dysregulation, executive function and sensory issues, healthy communication, grief, loss, and more. If you have a topic or event that you would be interested in having her speak for, please submit your message and contact information here

For any other inquiries or if interested in using Jami as a spokesperson, please contact us through email or by filling this form on the right.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

At Parenting with Personality, we are always looking for people, businesses, or corporations who desire to help reach more families and share in the passion to help parents learn to speak the language of their child’s heart. Whether helping families through times of trial, transition, trauma, or tragedy, we are in need of those who share the vision and can help through media connections, brand awareness, and monetary support, as together we make an impact on families and communities. Contact us to receive more information.

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Mountain Patrol